Pantene's "#hairwego" and Cybozu's "Do your best, Nippon."Both are projects that have triggered the "natural" of society by the message from the Childmpany.At first glance, it is an approach that is out of the Childnventional Childrporate promotion, but these campaigns have begun to have a positive effect on Childrporate performance.
With information in the world, one -sided advertising of Childmpanies and services is often buried.In order to deliver the charm properly and enChildurage action, it is important to Childnvey from the thoughts and problems in the background.
そこで今回は、冒頭でご紹介した取り組みをそれぞれリードされた元P&G 大倉さんと、サイボウズのコーポレートブランディング部長 大槻さんをゲストにお迎えし、「社会を動かすメッセージとは?」をテーマに議論しました。これからの企業広報のあり方を探りたい、自社の情報発信に力を入れていきたいという方、必見です!
The event report sponsored by NOTE is posted on the web with the license of the note.Click here for the original article → https: // note.Childm/notemag_busines/n/nc488bf186411
You can see the archive videos of the event here.
目次Fulfilling social responsibilities leads to business growth
―― Thank you for your Childoperation today.Is it okay to introduce yourself easily?
大倉さん: 7月までP&Gに在籍し、11年にわたりシンガポールでAPAC Focus Market ヘアケア事業部統括CMOとして勤務していました。P&Gではパンテーンの「#HairWeGo」というブランドキャンペーンを企画・制作しました。現在は株式会社OKURA BOOTCAMPの代表取締役として経営・マーケティング・海外進出に関するアドバイザリーを行っています。
大倉 佳晃さん株式会社OKURA BOOTCAMP 代表取締役元P&G APAC Focus Market ヘアケア事業部統括CMO。入社3年目からアジアHQのシンガポールに着任、11年にわたり勤務し、グローバル・リージョン・ローカルビジネスを経験。2017年から着任したパンテーンにおいては不可能と言われていた7年ぶりの売上・利益回復を牽引。激戦のヘアケア市場で、金額シェアNo.1を奪取した。その過程で、ブランドパーパスキャンペーンの#HairWeGoをゼロから開発・成功させ、日本人として最も多くのマーケティング・広告賞を世界中で受賞。また、日本人が手掛けたキャンペーンとして初めて、P&Gグローバルのコーポレートレポートに2030年に向けたブランド戦略の成功事例として掲載された。企業価値最大化のため、TSRモデルとSDGs時代に不可欠なブランドパーパスマーケティング両立のパイオニアとして、世界中での講演実績がある。2021年7月にP&Gを退社し、株式会社OKURA BOOTCAMPを設立。経営・マーケティング・海外進出に関するアドバイザリーを行っている。Otsuki: I am in charge of marketing at Cybozu.He launched an owned media called "Cybozu -style" in 2012 and served as the first editor -in -chief.He was also in charge of Cybozu's branding measures, and produced anime "Arikiri" and TV Childmmercials "Nippon."
大槻 幸夫さんサイボウズ株式会社 コーポレートブランディング部長サイボウズ式ブックス編集長取締役大学卒業後、知人と株式会社レスキューナウを創業し、2005年にサイボウズへ転職。オウンドメディア「サイボウズ式」を立ち上げ、初代編集長を務める。2015年より現職。以降、ムービー「大丈夫」、アニメ「アリキリ」、TVCM「がんばるな、ニッポン。」などのブランディング施策を担当し、サイボウズの働き方改革を様々な手段で発信している。2019年には出版事業「サイボウズ式ブックス」を立ち上げ、最近は新しいIRにも挑戦している。Twitter:@yukioCybozu style | Media of team that creates new value https: // Cybozushiki.cybozu.Child.JP/
――Pantane's “#hairwego” is a problem -raising campaign about hair.It was common sense that famous actresses appeared and emphasized the beauty of hair in the conventional shampoo commercial, but it is the opposite approach.What is this aim?
Okura: I think there are various issues related to hair, such as the same -tuned pressure peculiar to Japan, or that there is no place to make a voice even if you think it is "strange".The same goes for hairstyle school rules and hairstyles in job hunting."#Hairwego" is a message that uses such a theme to take a positive step with hair that respects each person's personality.
P&Gのテーマに「A Force for Good,A force for Growth(世界を変える力、未来を育てる力)」があります。パンテーンのような大きなブランドはやっぱり社会的責任というものがあるよねと。年間数100万人のひとに関わっていただいているブランドなので。いまの世の中ではそうした社会的責任を果たすとそれがビジネスグロースにつながる、という考え方を個人的に信じているし、実際に海外では成功事例がいくつかあるんです。
#HAIRWEGO -Pantene Official site https: // pantenee.JP/ja-JP/hair-we-go
――There are successful cases overseas, but it wasn't yet in Japan.If you try to take such a new challenge, you may be opposed in the company, how did you persuade?
Okura:: I told the key to the key to the key, the public relations and the departments of the Human Resources.It is important to get the key to the key and put it on the same ship.I think it's a must -have to motivate everyone who is going as the same team.The rest is to involve the ultimate decision -making, such as the president and CEO, from an early stage.It's a muddy story, but I wonder if it is necessary to do something new.
――It's amazing is that “#Meeting of the Hands of Leaf is more free” is starting from the place where 139 supporting companies are attracting.
Okura: At this time, the team did their best, with little time.I was very happy and surprised that 139 groups agreed.
As a flow of the concept of recruiting supporting companies first, "brand pars" has been often said recently, but it is important to design and convey brand pars, but from there it is one more step and "brand activity".I want to bring it to me.In addition to speaking pars, the brand and the people inside actually move their hands and take action, which makes it more connected with consumers and become a brand that is trusted by consumers.I think there is no.
#If you can find a job hunting hair more freely -Pantene official website https: // pantenee.JP/ja-JP/hair-we-go/shukatsu-hair2019
I have to say what I thought was strange
――Cybozu released in December 2020, the TV commercial “Thank you, Nippon.” Was a shocking message, “Don't do your best, Nippon.”
Mr. Otsuki: Cybozu is an IT tool company, so I originally had the idea of "I want to stop working hard."This TV commercial was considered at the Brest Conference in 2019, but since 2020 is an Olympic year, it would be interesting to turn it over the phrase "Ganbare, Nippon" used in the Olympics.The idea came out.The target of this commercial is a manager, so you don't notice even if you say it kindly.If you don't say that it has a certain impact, your values will not change.If you say "Don't do your best", you might think a little.
―― It is a sharp problem, but there is also a risk of burning.Considering that, I think that this kind of thing is very scary and I can't do it.
Otsuki: I think what you are scared.The owner of this project was me, so I received a claim phone call.I am prepared to be important.
Cybozu has the culture of "let's emphasize diverse personality" and "can have various opinions".Various opinions came out in the company, and it felt like a flame was occurring inside the company.But I don't want to stop, but I have to say what I thought was strange.I'm doing it with the awareness of expanding it to society.
――Is it worth doing?
Otsuki: Well, the awareness has risen.As an easy -to -understand response, the number of applications was tripled in the recruitment part.However, I think that is not the only effect of this commercial, but the result of continuing to convey the thoughts on "working style" in the "cybozu type" transmission and exposure to various media.
Since we are BtoB, just doing a campaign does not lead to sales immediately.So, we emphasize the number of playbacks on YouTube and the comments of Twitter rather than the numbers as sales.What users are saying is all the property, so I'm thinking about the next project based on that.
It is important to try it small
--thank you.Today, we changed the taste of the life -size corporate public relations so far, and talked to them about "What is a message that moves society?"Finally, I would like to give a hint to the viewer and what to start with.
Mr. Otsuki: In the case of Cybozu, it is a groupware, almost commodity, so it cannot be sold even if you promote it normally.In the end, it's a good idea to be cheap or a lot of functions.In order to differentiate it from other companies, I realized that I had to tell them who they were and what they were making for groupware.
So, since I originally loved the Internet, I started the "Cybozu -style" and started sending, and I have been tweeting Cybozu for a long time.The Internet is directly connected to people, so you can spread it just by going steadily without any advertising expenses.I think it should be started from such a simple place.
Okura: A survey of Japanese consumers said that about 60 % of people answered, "I don't want to buy companies or brand products that have not fulfilled any social responsibility."The word "SDGs" has completely penetrated in Japan.I've been in Singapore for 11 years, so I was quite surprised after a long time back.But believing in such data, I thought it would be important to try it out for the time being.I believe that such a thing will eventually lead to business results.
The concept of marketing that enhances corporate and brand value during the SDGs era is also written in the Note article "Marketing in the SDGs era that enhances brand value".
ブランド価値を高めるSDGs時代のマーケティング | P&GパンテーンをV字回復させた、経営とマーケティングを結ぶ設計図https://note.Childm/brand_builder01/n/n2613891a49c0
―― Thank you for your helpful story today!
This article is a reprinted article of note.Click here for the original article
→ https: // note.Childm/notemag_busines/n/nc488bf186411