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DJ・配信イベントなどを開催する際、告知サイトを作成するのはかなりの労力が必要になるため、比較的小規模なイベントの場合はフライヤーの画像を作ってSNSに投稿して済ませるケースも多いもの。そんな小規模なイベント主催者でも簡単にイベント告知サイトを作れる無料テンプレートが「Kitekure」です。Googleスプレッドシートを使ってコードを1行も書かずに告知サイトが作れるとのことで、どんなテンプレートになっているのか実際に試してみました。Kitekure - DJ・配信イベントの告知サイトを一瞬で作れるテンプレートhttps://kitekure.SANOGRAPHIX.net/DJ・配信イベントの告知サイトを簡単に作れる無料テンプレート「Kitekure」を作った - SANOGRAPHIX Bloghttps://text.SANOGRAPHIX.net/entry/kitekureKitekureで作成したデモサイトが以下。イベント名や開催場所、開催日時、概要、参加メンバーなどがスッキリと1つのページにまとまった告知サイトとなっています。SMTP++ Volume.99 | 2022/01/12 OPEN 20:00 CLOSE 24:00 (JST)https://kitekure-sample.Netlify.App/
Kitekureを利用するには、公式サイトにアクセスして「FREE DOWNLOAD」をクリック。
Then, the option to share Kitekure on Twitter or Facebook was displayed.Share on any SNS or select "or skip for now" ...
Click "Get Started".
Then, instead of downloading the software, a page named "Kitekure Docs Home" opened on a new tab in the browser.
On the right side of the screen, the image of the event announcement site created with Kitekure is displayed, and you can see what website can actually be created.
When I scrolled the page down, there was "Step-by-STEP Guides" under the demo image.If you look at the figure, you can first understand the rough mechanism of dropping the CSV file or image of the spreadsheet on the template with the PC at hand, and publishing it on the server.
Below that are "preparation of config sheet", "Customization of the site", "assemble the site", "prepare images and videos", "Site setup and preview", "Site release", "Site announcement ...In the order of "what to do" and "update the site", the method of creating and publishing a notification site on Kitekure is explained.First, click "Preparation of Config sheet".
Kitekure edits everything from the contents to the design to the design on the site using Google Spreadsheets, and calls the setting spreadsheet used in Kitekure the Config sheet.Click the URL in the center of the screen ...
Click "Use a template" at the top right of the open spreadsheet screen.
Then, the Config sheet was copied to your Google drive.After that, I will describe the contents I want to announce to this sheet.
Config sheets are the names of options in column A, and the names of each option should not be changed.There is "Value1" to "Value5" in the rows of each option, and the settings are described in this.Here, "Preparation of CONFIG sheet" is over, so open the next chapter, "Customize the Site".
The left edge (column A) of the spreadsheet explains the option name, the right end (column H), and what to enter in each item.After that, it is OK if you write in each item, relying on the explanation of the spreadsheet and the supplement written in "Customization of the Site".
なお、画面下部にある「[Sample] - config」を開くと、Kitekureのデモサイトの設定を見ることが可能。それぞれのセルにはただ文章や数字を入力するだけでOKで、文字のサイズなどを考慮する必要もありません。
Enter the event name, date and time, venue, etc. ...
You can also set up Google Maps, themes of the entire website, icon images, and catch images shared on SNS such as Twitter.
It is possible to embed not only images but also videos in the header.
If you fill in the performer information, etc., it is complete.
スプレッドシートへの記入が終わったら、記入した内容をウェブサイトとして反映できるHTML形式にします。まずは「ステップ・バイ・ステップ ガイド」のページで「サイトを組み立てる」をクリックして……
Click the URL to download the HTML template.
When the downloaded zip file is thawed, "_ SRC" folder and "index".html "" Preview.Contains two files of "HTML".
Next, open the spreadsheet created earlier and "File", "Download", "Comma -separated value (values).Click CSV, Current Sheet) and download the CSV file.
The name of the downloaded file is "config"."INDEX" changed to "CSV" and thawed..Move to the same folder hierarchy as "HTML".
Here, the page of "Assemble the site" is over, so click "Prepare images and videos" below.
Prepare images and videos that you want to embed on the announcement site, match the name of the file name in the spreadsheet, and "INDEX.Move to the same folder hierarchy as "HTML".
Next, click "Setup and Preview of the Site".
Netflyのアカウントを持っていなければ、公開したウェブサイトは24時間で消えてしまうため、サイトを永続的に公開したい場合はNetflyのアカウント作成が必要です。アカウントを作成するにはNetflyの公式ページへアクセスし、「Get started for free」をクリック。
Create an account using GitHub or email address.
In the "Site" frame at the bottom of the account page, "_ SRC" folder and "INDEX".html "" Preview.Drag and drop the "KITEKURE" folder with "HTML" and images.
Now you can create your own website using NetFly, but if you leave it as it is, the URL will be randomly assigned to NetFly.If you want to change the URL, click "Site Settings" ...
Click "Change Site Name".
Now you can set the URL of the announcement site.The URL of the website cannot be changed later, so if you want to use your favorite URL, you need to set it first.
Click the set URL ...
A page with "Set Up Kitekure" opens, click "Set Up".
Then you can see the preview of the created announcement site.If you have any problems with the preview, you need to fix the spreadsheet or image, re -reflect it in the "Kitekure" folder as described above, and release a new website again in NetFly.
Even though one line does not write the code, it is a fairly full -fledged announcement site.
This completes the "Site Setup and Preview" chapter of "Step by Step Guide". Click "Publish the Site".
The current preview site analyzes the CSV file each time of access, so the display speed is slow.Therefore, click "Download" in the panel at the bottom of the preview site and for the production..Download the "HTML" file ...
"INDEX" in the "Kitekure" folder.HTML "file for production" index ".Replace with HTML "file.
Then, open "DePloys" from the NetFly account and "Need to Update your Site? Drag and Drop Your Site Output Folder", "INDEX".Drag and drop the "KITEKURE" folder that replaces the HTML "file for production.
The announcement site has now been updated for production.Once you have confirmed that the extra panel is gone, you can attract a large number of people by notifying the URL on SNS.If the content of the announcement site is corrected, change the content of the spreadsheet and "Config.Updated "CSV" and "INDEX.It is OK if you upload it from "DEPLOYS" as well as the HTML "file is replaced for production.
この記事のタイトルとURLをコピーする・関連記事無料でスマホからウェブサイトを作れるアプリ「Airsite」を使ってみた - GIGAZINE無料で複数のテンプレートから簡単にウェブサイトを作成できる「Carrd」を使ってみた - GIGAZINE無料でウェブサイトやブログに使える写真を検索可能な28サービスまとめ - GIGAZINE無料でユーザー登録不要&アドレスを入力するだけで自動消去機能付きのウェブサイトを作成できる「sdnotes.com」 - GIGAZINE無料でクールな印象を与えるブログ・SNS・ウェブサイトっぽいデザインの壁紙を作成できる「Cool Backgrounds」 - GIGAZINE無料でウェブデザインの背景と文字の色を微調整しながら確認できるアプリ「Kontrast」 - GIGAZINE
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IN Review, Internet Service, Posted by Log1H_IK
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