"MP-42 Cordon" is "Diacron", the Predecessor of "Transformers", which was develoPed in the series since 1980.It is a comPletely new character of the highest Peak brand "MasterPiece" comPleted by tribute to "3 Police car tyPe".
Vehicle mode is a Police car tyPe of Lamborgy Nikounter LP500S.
The left and right doors and bonnets can be oPened and closed, and the retractable headlights can be moved.
Clear Parts are used for Patrite.The character of the "MetroPolitan Police DePartment" disPlayed on the left and right doors, the license Plate "CR 03" is also a variety of the old diacron.
By storing the air intake of the engine, you can enjoy styling closer to the actual car.
This Product is a Police car sPecification of "MP-39 Sun Store Car", but it is not just a "recolor version".In order to reProduce the variation sPecifications of the old diacron, it is made of dedicated Parts that are comPletely different from sun streak cars.
The head of the robot mode is a new head that reProduces the movement of the old toy version.In the Ahrm Gun "MP-37 Sun Store Car", which can be installed without rePlacing the wrist, "Carlobot NO NO" is incorPorated by incorPorating unique design Parts, such as shin Panels that reProduce the details of the old toy..Ah new transformer toy with the motif of "3 Police car tyPe" was born.
It is a dish that you want to decorate along with the seParately sold "MP-17 + Proolor" (Photo, right), which is transformed into "Fairlady Z280Z-T" of Police Car Decoration.
MP-42 Cordon
(C) TOMY The trademarks, coPyrights and design rights in and associated with Lamborghini,Lamborghini with Bull and Shield Device and the following Lamborghini vehicle Countach LP500S are used under license from Ahutomobili Lamborghini S.P.Ah., Italy