■ The mayor department rushes in
Neyagawa is amazing!
On October 4 of this year, the tweet that tweeted "Neyagawa is amazing!" Regarding the bullying response, about 10,000 retweets, 2.There were 70,000 "likes" reactions.When the first grade of elementary school sent a letter of bullying consultation to the "Inspection Division" installed in Neyagawa City, two days later, two staff members came to school and responded quickly.。
Asahikawa Women's junior high school student frozen death incident "extremely backwards" for recognition of bullying
Asahikawa City is trying to follow Neyagawa City's efforts.
In March this year, in March of this year, a second -year junior high school, Saisa Hirose, was freezing to death in a park in the city.It is said that there was a bully in the background, and Bunshun Online published a detailed article, "Asahikawa 14 -year -old girl bullying, freezing death," from April to June, and shocked society.
In this case, Mr. Aya was surrounded by 10 students from the same junior high school in June shortly after entering the junior high school, and jumped into the river to try to commit suicide, and the police rushed in, and the obscene images and videos of Aya -san spread.There have been some events that should be called bullying and crime.
However, the school did not recognize it as bullying.The November NHK "Close -up Hyundai +" also criticized the recognition of bullying as "extremely backward educational sites" in the recognition of bullying, entitled "Asahikawa Women's Junior High School Congratulations:
Voices seeking aggressive intervention
The Asahikawa City Board of Education established a third -party investigation committee in May this year.The survey is still being conducted.
The movement to explore the stepped up is not limited to local governments.The Liberal Democratic Party held a project team to eradicate bullying this month and held a first meeting.He will repeat an action plan in June 2022, after discussions on the operation of the "suspension of attendance" system for the perpetrators and cooperation between the school and the police (NHK, December 17).
■ "Suspension of attendance" A per year of a year of darkness and the voice of a teacher / guardian
Nearly half of junior high school teachers have been suspended from attendance
The suspension of attendance is stipulated in Article 35 of the School Education Law, and the Board of Education orders the guardian from the Board of Education if the student is poorly sexually sexually likely and hindered by other children's education.It is."System established from the viewpoint of maintaining school order and guaranteeing the right to receive compulsory education for other children" (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "How to operate the attendance system (notification)").
私が10月に公開した記事「いじめ加害者の出席停止ゼロ件 教師の半数『出席停止にすべき』」で明らかにしたように、出席停止をめぐる現況について第一に、文部科学省の統計によると、公立中学校におけるいじめ加害者の「出席停止」事案はほとんど確認されていない。公立中学校では毎年1件前後、公立小学校では1997年度以降の24年間で合計3件にとどまっている。出席停止の制度は、実質的にはもはや機能していない。
Nevertheless, in the questionnaire survey conducted in August (see the bottom of this article for an overview of the survey), 45 of junior high school teachers..8%が「加害者を出席停止にすべき」と考えていることがわかった。国の統計では出席停止が発令される件数はほぼゼロに等しいという状況が毎年つづいてきただけに、半数近くの教員が出席停止を望んでいるとは、驚きの結果であった。
The view of the manager who is involved in the decision -making
The teacher's thoughts and the final conclusions as an "organization" have shifted significantly.If so, what are your thoughts on the principal and managers involved in the decision of the school organization?Perhaps there is a definitive division of opinion between managers and teachers.
Therefore, we analyzed the answers of the teachers (except for the principal, vice -principal, principal, principal) and teachers (excluding school teachers, nutrition teachers, part -time lecturers, etc.).As a result, there were no major differences between managers and teachers (statistical significant difference) between elementary and junior high schools and elementary schools and junior high schools, respectively.
60 % of parents are in praise
The above survey includes not only elementary and junior high school teachers, but also students (junior high school students) and parents (elementary school / junior high school).Let's introduce the analysis results.
Regarding the suspension of the perpetrators, the junior high school students are slightly more than junior high school teachers, 52.7%agree.Parents are even higher for parents, and 60 elementary school parents.7%, 65 junior high school parents.8%である。賛成多数であり、中学校では約3分の2にまで達している。あくまで保護者全体の傾向からの結論となるが、もし保護者の顔色を伺うのだとすれば、出席停止に踏み込むほうが、学校は支持を得られやすいと言える。
Similarly, we are asking for the pros and cons of the cooperation with the police, one of the aggressive intervention.Although there are some differences between students / teachers / parents, 60-70 % of respondents generally agree with the solution in collaboration with the police.In elementary and junior high school teachers, managers and teachers were almost the same.The individual's thoughts are that the solution of bullying requires the power of the police.
Board of Education as a "bystander"
As you can see from the above analysis, there are many people who have agreed to suspension of attendance regardless of the job floor.Parents have more than 60 % of their support.However, the final decision of the school education organization is that the number of attendance is only about one year a year.
As mentioned earlier, the suspension of attendance itself is executed in the authority and responsibility of the Municipal Board of Education.It can be said that the response of the Board of Education over the suspension of attendance does not reflect the thoughts of individual teachers and managers working on the site.
憲法学者で東京都立大学・教授の木村草太氏は、「加害者に対する強制的な出席停止処分は、教育委員会の権限」であるとして、「本来であれば、教育委員会が介入し、出席停止処分を出さねばならないはずだ。しかし、出席停止処分は、全国で年数件にとどまっている。現状、最も悪質ないじめの『傍観者』は、教育委員会ではないか」と指摘する(2019年8月18日 沖縄タイムス)。出席停止の命令が必要とされるのならば、何よりもまずは教育委員会側が積極的にそれを実行に移す姿勢が求められる。
■ Unlisting educational organization
High barriers to suspension of attendance
The suspension of attendance is a serious measure that conflicts with school obligations (obligations for parents to receive ordinary education).Therefore, the suspension of attendance itself is left to the authority of the Municipal Board of Education.
"Limit of educational approach"
But again, it should be avoided that the perpetrators go to school, and that victims are forced to refuse or transfer to school, and it is still necessary to suspend attendance.
そこに着目したのが、寝屋川市の市長部局であった。寝屋川市は学校や教育委員会側の動きの鈍さを、"Limit of educational approach"と、ためらいなく表現する。
■ Intervention that shakes the board of education system
Political neutrality of the Board of Education
Faced by the Board of Education that the suspension of attendance is not functioning, I would like to expect great expectations for the "administrative approach" by the chief department of Asahikawa City and Asahikawa City, which follows it.Become.It seems that such expectations are also reflected in the sympathy for the tweet of "Neyagawa is amazing!"
However, I would like to point out a serious problem at the end.
"Limit of educational approach"と聞くと、教育委員会や教育学関係者は、心中穏やかにはいられない。首長部局による積極介入は、たんにいじめ対応を強化すること以上の、深刻な意味をもっている。なぜならそれは、Political neutrality of the Board of Educationをおびやかすからである。
The Board of Education has been positioned as an independent administrative committee from the chief (about the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Sports, Culture, Culture, Sports, Culture, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Culture, and the Law in 2014.System modification).Not only in response to bullying, but also in the Board of Education, it is in a position to determine basic policies and important matters related to school education independently of the chief.
In Gifu City, the Ordinance of "Recommendation" by the mayor is not realized.
The chief's intervention in bullying is not just an aggressive intervention, but as the chief of the chief of the Board of Education.Neyagawa City's initiatives and the current concept of Asahikawa City shakes the core of the Board of Education System, where the chief department is trying to intervene in the Board of Education, or jump over the Board of Education and intervene directly into the school.It is an attempt to do.
In fact, in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, a amendment of the bullying prevention ordinance that can "recommend" measures such as suspension of attendance in 2019 in 2019, has been compiled in June 2020.It was.
しかし、パブリックコメントにおいて教育委員会に対する首長の権限が強化されることを懸念する声が多く寄せられた。最終的に、出席停止などの「勧告」に関する規定は削除され、市長と市教育委員会が連携して対策を推進するといった文言に差し替えられたという(2020年8月29日、9月25日 岐阜新聞)。
"Recommendation" is not forced to be forced.The political neutrality of the Board of Education should be maintained.However, the impact on school education is not so small that the ordinance is clearly stated in the ordinance.Furthermore, if the chief's "recommendation" arrives with legal legitimacy to the obviously rooted matter of changing classes, there is a doubt about what is independence from the chief.
Is it safe for children or political neutrality of education?
Mayor Imazu of Asahikawa City said in an article on Bunshun Online, released on December 29, stated:。
Because the movement of the school and the Board of Education is slow, the chief will take advantage of the aggressive intervention.As if the ally of justice has appeared, the residents and public opinion show the chief.
Is it safe for children or political neutrality of education?Or is there a way to overcome this two -section conflict?The limits of the educational approach will be the limits of children's school life.I don't need a taboo in the discussion.The first step is to face the suffering of a child.
==== Note ====
Overview of the questionnaire survey