At Teikyo University School of Medicine, which operates virtualization platform for business use, research, and development for various purposes, it was struggling with increased operational load due to siloization of virtualization platforms and poor expandability.The Dell XC series, a hyperconverted infrastructure appliance for virtual environment, was selected to resolve those issues.
Silo -ized virtualization platform is a hinder of operation and research
帝京大学医療情報システム研究センター教授帝京大学医学部麻酔科学講座澤 智博氏Teikyo University Hospital (Itabashi -ku, Tokyo) is the largest medical institution in Japan that functions as a core facility for advanced medical care, regional medical care, and emergency medical care.The Medical Information Systems Research Center says that it is deeply committed to the design, development and operation of IT systems, gaining in mind that "the limit of vendors is not made to the limit of medical care."Mr. Tomohiro Sawa, professor of the center, explains as follows.
"In the current medical field, everything from patient information to workflow is digitized, and it does not turn without IT. In other words, the limit of IT is the limit of medical care. If you leave the system to the vendor and say "I can't do it", medical care will be that far, so this medical information system research center will find an IT that can contribute to medical care and the limit. In order to spread it, we try to do what we can do. For example, electronic medical records have introduced package products without great customization, but electronic medical records, electrocardiogram management, etc. The gateway to link the department system is made of scratches designed and developed at the center to make it easier to use at the medical field. Hospital information systems are mature as business systems and large -scale. Even if replays occur, new functions have not increased so much, but on the other hand, demand for hospital information systems has changed dramatically in the last five years, and at university hospitals that have been made into a research institution. With the mature way of working medical professionals, the number of demands to make hypotheses and verify immediately is increasing to improve research and medical services. "(Mr. Sawa).
Although the center was quickly introduced a virtualization base to consolidate a large number of systems, it was said that the expandability, flexibility, and operability were felt because multiple virtualization platforms were in parallel.。
"Originally, it is the merit of the virtualization base to be able to flexibly configure the virtual OS and application part, but I feel that the virtualization base used so far had to be designed firmly. It is. The virtualization base was unified in VMware, but the old and new versions are mixed, and the virtualization platform is slicing for each version, making it difficult to use. I was. In order to analyze the data, make a hypothesis, and to respond to the request of the site where I want to get the verification results immediately, it is necessary to quickly create and update virtual OS and applications, but business. In order to avoid the impact on the system, we made data marts and responded. However, because it cannot be placed in a department that uses virtual OS flexibly, and there are few vacant vacancy resources on the virtualization base. It is becoming necessary to prioritize research requests. "(Mr. Sawa).
Integrates the foundation with appliance dedicated to virtual environment
サイロ化した仮想化基盤を統合するために、移行先として選ばれたのが「Dell XCシリーズ」だ。Dell XCは、米国Nutanix社からOEM提供されたNutanixソフトウェアを基盤とし、インテル® Xeon®プロセッサーを搭載した仮想環境向けのハイパーコンバージド・インフラストラクチャ・アプライアンス製品。サーバーと共有ストレージを組み合わせた一般的な仮想化基盤では、大規模化するにつれてストレージがボトルネックになることがよくあるが、Dell XCではNutanix独自の分散ファイルシステム「NDFS」により、ノードを追加することでストレージの容量と帯域を無制限にスケールアウトすることが可能だ。ノードの追加は既存のノードを止めずに行うことができ、新規ノードのリソースは自動的にリソース・プールに組み込まれるため、特別なオペレーションを必要とせずに拡張が行える。こうした拡張性・運用性の高さがNutanixの魅力だ。
"I also considered Nutanix genuine appliances, but I wanted to try something new, but I was worried that it would be OK. It is a use in the mission -critical field of medical care, and the production and support of hardware.Considering the achievements, we decided that it would be better to use Dell's appliance. "(Mr. Sawa)
DELL XC decided to introduce it in December 2015.Immediately from there, the tenant started moving from the existing virtualization base and started operation in January 2016.The main business systems such as electronic medical records have already been operated on Dell XC, and have been used for research and development.
"I was worried that the electronic medical record would be in time, but it was very helpful because I delivered it in a short period of time. I heard that DELL XC is an appliance, so I heard that it was easy to introduce, but easier than expected. I was able to move the old system on the Dell XC smoothly. Probably it would have been a few months in the past. It is fatal to stop the system as a university hospital that accepts emergency, and region It will cause a lot of trouble to the residents. In the situation where you can not delay from there, if you decide on a replay, the introduction of this Dell XC is very helpful. Operation. It has been three months since I started, but there is no alert caused by the new system. Currently, we are moving in step and operating existing virtualization platforms, but the transition is the transition. If completed, the number of hardware will be reduced to about one -third of the conventional "(Mr. Sawa)" (Mr. Sawa).
Support for medical advancement with a flexible virtualization base
Mr. Sawa says that the introduction of Dell XC and gaining a flexible virtualization base can be expected to speed up development.
"The medical information gateway was developed using the BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) engine, but after the introduction of Dell XC..Replaced with newly developed ones using Net Framework.I repeated the verification and correction cycle about 5 times at the tuning stage, but by introducing Dell XC, the development verification environment can be quickly set up and responded, and the gateway is maintained without delay the delivery date."(Mr. Sawa)
On the other hand, in the research field, he wants to expand its use as an analysis base for big data.
"In medical research, it is important to verify as soon as the hypothesis is set up. With a new virtualization base of Dell XC, the verification environment can be prepared immediately. For example, it is possible to trial and error. For example, research on new drug development.When performing the data obtained in the clinical trial, the value will be reduced. By analyzing the obtained data in time, the effect of early detection of side effects will be obtained. "Mr. Sawa)
今後、医療情報研究センターでは、残りのテナントの移行を進めつつ、必要に応じてDell XCのノード数を増やしていく予定だという。必要なときに必要な分だけリソースを拡張できるDell XCは、仮想化基盤のキャパシティ・プランニングの難しさに直面している企業にとって、有力な選択肢となるだろう。インテル®Xeon®プロセッサーを搭載し多種多様なフォームファクターのモデルを揃えるハイパーコンバージド・インフラストラクチャ・アプライアンスDell XCは、様々な現場の仮想化ニーズに対応できるはずだ。
Intel Inside®パワフルなデータセンターを
最新のインテル® Xeon® プロセッサーは、新しいエンタープライズ・アプリケーション、科学技術計算、通信、ストレージ、クラウド、ビッグデータ分析など、さまざまな用途に、性能、電力効率、仮想化、セキュリティーの面で大きなメリットを提供し、IT 部門の課題解決を支援します。
Intel, Intel, Intel Logo, Xeon, Xeon Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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