
[Audio version of Twitter!?] A new SNS "Tavern" where you can post calls is finally released!

■ Tavern homepage ■ Tavern app download page [ios] "Tavern" is a next-generation voice SNS that allows you to post (share) calls.

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You can talk to friends and people with common interests, and enjoy influencer content. The easiest way to use Tavern is to create a call group of 1-6 people, enjoy the call, listen to the recording as many times as you like, and share it with your friends and family for even more fun u>. Features of Tavern 1. You can easily make calls with many people 2. You can save (archive) calls 3. The archive becomes content that can be shared 4. You can enjoy someone's conversation 5. You are a little far away There are five main characteristics that allow people to know more and connect with each other. I will explain in detail. 1. The main function of Tavern, which allows you to easily make multi-party calls, is cast. To cast is to make a call and post a recording of that call. The cast includes group cast and solo cast. Groupcast: Up to 6 people can participate, and you can catch up with acquaintances and friends, and talk about hobbies and trends with people you meet. And you can post the audio. Solo Cast: You can talk alone about your feelings and what you want to convey, sing a song, and post the audio.

2. Existing applications that can save (archive) calls Basically, calls are not recorded, and interesting conversations and worthy stories are saved. I can't. However, Tavern makes it very easy to save call content. By using Tavern, you'll be able to solve the worry of "I wanted to save the current conversation." 3. Archive becomes shareable content Saved and posted casts can be shared with other users very easily. And those shared can always enjoy that cast. Share interesting stories and stories you want to tell to everyone and appeal. Of course, you can lock or delete casts that you don't want to be public, so you can use them according to your convenience. In addition, although it is currently possible to post only the voice of the call, we plan to support uploading of voice files in a future update. We are also considering introducing an easy-to-use audio editing function. We believe that this will make casual conversations more enjoyable. 4. You can enjoy someone's conversation

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Listening to the shared past cast is really fun. Just like listening to music, you can come into contact with many topics and people. Furthermore, not only past casts, but also real-time casts, cast as a listener (a person who just listens without speaking), not as a participant in the cast. There is a radio function that allows you to enjoy Tavern expects that there will be users and influencers who will cast and publish genres that they are good at, such as stories about hobbies and know-how. With the radio function, you will be able to enjoy these interesting casts more easily as daily content. The ability to stream audio in the background also makes the app more user-friendly. 5. Even people who are a little far away can know more deeply and connect

Tavern is a voice social network. Unlike letters, with voice, you can feel the mood and atmosphere of the person along with the words. Being able to feel it means getting to know the person more deeply. Tavern has a follow feature so you can always view profiles, see the cast, and directly message them by following your favorite users. , call them together. You can get even closer to the users you follow through Casting. I think this is the biggest charm of SNS. I sincerely hope that various people such as family members, friends, lovers, and acquaintances with similar interests can "converse" through this Tavern, and feel the connection between people without meeting them in person. Technology used in Tavern Tavern is developed using various technologies. The API server, database, and storage used by existing SNS are of course used, and are managed in the AWS Tokyo region. Important features of Tavern that other SNS do not have are n-to-n calls, recording, voice playback, voice analysis, and voice recommendations. They are the subject of significant research and development at Tavern. · In n-to-n calls, WebRTC, recording, and voice playback use codecs with high-speed algorithms, and waveform machine learning is used for streaming playback, voice analysis, and voice recommendations. As an advanced solution, I am also interested in applying quantum circuit learning to the recommendation function, but it remains a long-term vision from the perspective of the hardware level of cloud quantum computers. If we can make full use of this, we will be able to reduce the amount of computation, improve the expressiveness of the model, prevent overfitting, and other advantages in big data analysis.

[Voice Twitter!?]Call The new SNS

My name is Shinya Koji, CEO of Tavern Co., Ltd.

At the time of the release, I would like to talk a little bit about the story of how Tavern started.

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I am 22 years old and started a student business when I was in my third year of university.

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I think the flow so far has three big turning points.

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First, around the beginning of my second year in high school, my father told me about neutrinos (one of the elementary particles that make up this world).

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This is what made me want to be a physicist because I thought it was fun to think.

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Until then, I hated studying and was the kind of person who didn't even give homework at school, but after that, I suddenly came to like studying.

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I especially liked physics, so I took the recommendation exam only for physics and entered the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chiba University.

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The second was when I met the president of my part-time job when I was in my second year of university.

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At this time, I was thinking that after graduation, I would like to go to graduate school and later become a researcher.

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However, university professors seemed to be very busy with many things to do other than research.

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I hesitated to dream of a state different from my ideal.

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At first, I thought that the president of my part-time job was an ordinary person, but he was not an ordinary person at all. It made me feel like I was in another dimension.

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I was surprised that there are people like this in the world.

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Taking that opportunity, I became clearly conscious of the way of life as a manager.

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I felt that being a manager was a suitable way of life for me to pursue my ideals by freely researching and exploring the unknown.

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Then, I started a student business (first time) as a sole proprietor and practiced various businesses.

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I took on the challenge of selling board games imported overseas, and experienced TV commercial contracts and international business negotiations.

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I also tried selling things on EC sites.

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During this period, I learned the basics of the business of buying low and selling high.

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The third reason is that my best friend who attends Tsukuba University invited me to a venture in Tsukuba.

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This has allowed me to interact with many different people.

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In particular, it was very meaningful to be directly involved with managers who are active on the front lines.

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After that, I continued my personal business for a while, but gradually I couldn't find the fun.

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What I want to do is "create new things and discover new things", but I was only dealing with people's creations.

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It doesn't produce anything at all. There was a conflict with my ideals.

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This was very stressful.

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So, I was good at programming, so I decided to try making software first.

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I also wanted friends, so I invited Suzuki and Furukawa, who are friends from Chiba University and are excellent programmers.

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After that, I added my high school friend Sato, who was doing EC together, and also invited his friends Uemura and Tachi.

Fortunately, this member was well-skilled as a front-end engineer, back-end engineer, data scientist, designer, and machine learning engineer. Or rather, when I think about it now, I may have unconsciously marked a friend with such a rare talent.

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Tavern development team with an average age of 22.3 years old was launched with these 6 people (second student entrepreneurship).

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I am involved in the overall development, leading the development together with Suzuki, the CTO, and I am in charge of the overall business of the company. When I was a student, I was able to focus on the registration of a stock company, the preparation of documents for that purpose, the preparation of a business plan, general accounting work such as financing and taxes, project management, and system development. It was a very good experience both to improve my skills and to understand how society works.

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I want to make something that no one has ever made!

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Tavern began with such thought.

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At the beginning of the development, the idea was "SNS that connects people who want to teach and people who want to be taught".

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Currently, due to the influence of infectious diseases, the connection between people is weakening and everyone is unable to do what they want to do. I think there are many people who feel like there is a hole in their hearts.

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Also, most of the current SNS are text, images, and videos, so it can't be said that the distance between people is close.

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Therefore, I thought of creating an SNS that will make you feel closer to your loved ones and make memories remain in shape.

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I learned that apps such as Zoom and Discord are useful due to the effects of telework and remote classes during the self-restraint period, and based on voice and callPost Development started with the concept of SNS that can be used.

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After the base structure was born, we developed it with full commitment, and after about half a year of development with 6 members, we reached the release.

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I'm a little relieved that I've successfully released it now, but I'm still not satisfied.

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At Tavern, we want to pursue usability as much as possible.

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Tavern is very easy and will be a social network that everyone can enjoy.

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In the future, it is expected that many influencers of the new era will appear on the stage of new SNS.

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With Tavern, the challenge of becoming an influencer is very easy because you don't need to show your face and you are highly anonymous. I think audio editing will become as popular as video editing is now. The good thing about sound and music is that it frees your eyes and your body.

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Tavern just keeps getting more interesting.

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An SNS from Japan that will be used all over the world has finally been launched.

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From now on, we will continue to repeat trial and error with our members every day, aiming to become a company that leads the way in maximizing the benefits to humankind through the best SNS and information society.

Embody the management philosophy of “funny” and have an innovative impact on the world. Vision Idea Have exciting and free ideas and strive to build an environment where everyone can make the most of their characteristics. In order to advance product technology, we pursue overwhelming usability as well as product quality, and devote ourselves to optimizing the customer experience. WordA product can be appreciated only when it is expressed in simple but impressive words and spread. Team We aim to be a world-class software vendor by building a unique team without being bound by common sense. Voice & AudioCreating a culture in which all digital voices of all people naturally blend into everyday life. Information Maximize the benefits of humankind through the information society.

Tavern Co., Ltd.

Established December 1, 2020

Capital 1,000,000 yen

Representative Director and CEO Maya Koji

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Main business

・Development of software and applications

・Design development

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Head office location

Amakubo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture 305-0005

3-21-3 Hoshitani Building 2-A

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Please contact us from

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